Our Story

Today’s educational environment is driven by data. As a school district leader, you regularly use data to revise curricula or make decisions about learning programs. You’ve invested significant resources into systems for collecting, organizing, and analyzing that data to make it actionable.
But when it comes to having actionable data for bond planning, many districts are at a significant disadvantage. Critical information about the health and projected lifespan of individual facilities and core building systems is often missing, outdated, or owned by third-party consultants. District leaders often lack visibility about the real needs of your campus buildings.
We wanted to change that.
At the request of school district leaders, we developed Facility Insite to give you a secure, easy-to-use tool for identifying and prioritizing capital improvement needs by cost, timeline, or campus. We ensure that when it comes to planning the best future for your students, staff, and community, you’re the one calling the shots.
So if you’re frustrated at not having reliable capital planning data, if you want to improve your chances of successfully passing a bond, if you’re wondering how to maximize the lifecycle of your campuses, if you’re wrestling with how best to leverage perpetually limited resources . . . then Facility Insite might be the tool that you’ve been searching for.
Our team is passionate about empowering you to make your vision for your district’s future a reality. Let us show you how to take the guesswork out of capital planning and put your bond dollars where they’ll do the most good.