Who We Work With
Bond Planning Committees
As a member of a public school district’s bond planning committee, you’re charged with evaluating the capital improvement needs of the district and recommending the scope of work and timing for future bond programs. But how can you ensure that your decisions meet those needs and provide the best learning environment possible for students and staff?
You need accurate, reliable data . . . and you need the ability to filter out the nonessentials and focus in on key indicators of both present and future needs. You also need to be able to access that information independently rather than on relying on third-party consultants who may have a financial interest in pushing certain projects more than others.

Facility Insite was developed in collaboration with school district leaders to give districts control over and visibility into every aspect of the capital planning process. You’ll be able to find the information you need — whether it’s a specific campus or the district as a whole — in just a few clicks. And unlike some numbers-packed spreadsheet, that data is always easy to read regardless of your background or experience.
You can also log onto Facility Insite’s secure, cloud-based platform from any device. Whether you’re prepping for a committee meeting or listening to a presentation, you can always access information where and when you need it.
“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail,” warned Ben Franklin. We agree . . . with one change: If you’re not planning with Facility Insite, you’re planning to fail.