Who We Work With


As your district’s Chief Financial Officer, your responsibilities likely extend far beyond finance. In addition to overseeing budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting, you may also be involved in risk management procurement, grants administration, human resources, physical infrastructure, and even IT.

That means that you play a key role in a school district’s capital planning efforts. Whether it’s assessing the budgetary impact of undertaking or deferring maintenance, presenting a set of multi-year financial projections, or advising the Board or long-range planning committee, your words carry immense weight. You can’t afford to have inadequate or incomplete information — you need answers.


cfo giving instructions

Facility Insite’s gives you those answers in just a few clicks. Quickly assess the current state — and true cost — of your facilities on the district’s bottom line. Use the dashboard view to get a global view of the entire district or drill down to explore individual campuses or systems. Then export that information in visually engaging, easy-to-understand formats rather than cramped Excel files that often confuse rather than clarify the issue.

And because Facility Insite uses a secure, cloud-based platform, you can always find the information you need regardless of whether you’re in the office, the conference room, or the board room.

To see for yourself how Facility Insite can improve the bond planning process for you and your school district, schedule a 20-minute demo.

Schedule a 20-Minute Demo To See How We Can Help.

Speak to one of our experts for a personalized look at our software. 

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Speak to one of our experts for a personalized look at our software.