Who We Work With
As a superintendent, a bond election is ultimately a referendum on your leadership. Success indicates support for your vision for the district. Failure can sabotage your legacy.
You can’t afford to leave bond planning to chance, especially with voters increasingly resistant to debt and increasingly distrustful of school leaders. They demand transparency and accountability. And if you can’t meet those demands, the odds of convincing the community to endorse your bond-funded vision fall dramatically.

The superintendent needs to be able to identify the real costs for addressing your most pressing facility needs, whether through renovation, refresh, or new construction. You also need a way to make an impactful, easy-to-understand, and data-informed case to your community about the individual line items included on the bond proposition.
Facility Insite gives you the tools to quickly visualize that data and then share the most critical takeaways with voters. And because you can access Facility Insite’s secure cloud-based platform from any web-enabled desktop, laptop, or mobile device, the information you need is always close at hand. Whether you’re fielding questions at a town hall, providing an update to the board of trustees, or networking at a luncheon for local businesses, you’ll have the facts to allay concerns, soothe anxieties, and correct misconceptions.